
What is Ozempic (Semaglutide Weekly Inection)?
You may have seen the press coverage in February 2021. Ozempic has shown promosing weight loss results in clinical trials, with 75% of participants losing over 10% of their body weight. Semaglutide can currently be prescribed for weight loss in the UK by a medically qualified clinician as a weekly injection.
How do I use it?
Like the daily, the medication comes as a pre-filled injectable pen. You inject yourself in an area where you can pinch a good amount of meat (aka subcutaeneous fat). This can be the stomach area, the notorious love handle areas, top of the thighs or even the bottom! You use a CLEAN and NEW needle once a week, disposing of the needle after each injection. Your dose is discussed during consultation. The pen always lasts for a minimum of 4 weeks.
Any side effects?
Like any new medication introduced to your body, your body will have to adjust to it. Some people get mild side effects, such as headaches, nausea, dry mouth or tiredness. These side effects are generally mild and are transient - which means they will go after a few days once your body has adjusted.
Some clients experience no side effects, whilst the majority of our own clients experience LESS side effects than the daily jab. During the consultation we go through the side effects & how to deal with them. We also send you aftercare information on how to deal with any potential side effects, along with the Patient Information Leaflet which goes into greater detail.
Where can I get this from?
This is a prescription-only medication and must be prescribed by a qualified pharmacist following a consultation. Your full medical history and circumstances should be taken into account to ensure safety & suitability.
We prescribe and dispense only from within the UK, who source the medication directly from the manufacturer.
PLEASE NOTE: This medication is currently licensed for diabetes. It is not yet licensed for weight loss but it can be prescribed off-label for weight loss.
Can I use it?
We take into account a range of factors such as:
Medical History
Current Medication
Body measurements
Eating habits
Past diets
Current exercise levels
The programme is not suitable for:
Under 18's
Ladies who are breastfeeding, pregnant or actively trying to get pregnant.
Type 1 diabetics
Anyone with a history of pancreatitis or thyroid tumours
Anyone with direct family members who have had thyroid cancer
How much can I lose with Ozempic?
During the current initial clinical trials by the manufacturer, the average weight loss has been calculated as between 10lbs and 18lbs. Everyone is different, so your weight loss may be more or less.
Can I drink alcohol whilst on the programme?
Although alcohol does not directly interact with the medication, we do advise people to avoid alcohol if possible. If you do have a drink whilst using the pen, do not drink on an empty stomach & limit it to 1 small glass of wine or one 25ml spirit with a light mixer. Alcohol is also empty calories and may reduce the potential achievable weight loss.
How many pens will I need?
This depends on what dose you are on, how well you take to the medication and your overall target weight. The good news is that the weekly pen lasts for a minimum of 4 weeks.
You will therefore only need a minimum of ONE pen per month, whereas those on the daily may find themselves using up to 5 pens per month once they reach the maximum dose.
How much is it?
Please see our prices page (below).